
Where you come from doesn’t determine where you’ll go

Briana Vojnovich

I would like to present a talk about using the tools individuals are given from their experiences in life to their benefit, and refusing to let where they have come from limit their dreams and aspirations about what they would like to do with their lives. All too often people like you and me, make assumptions about what we are capable of achieving and where we are capable of taking ourselves based off of factors such as, socio-economic status, what our parent(s)/guardians do for a living and what they gave us in terms of life skills, and how intelligent, driven, or capable of success we are, because of these different aspects of our background, or where we “came from”.

In my talk I would like to use my own personal story, and other well-known success stories as examples of how life experiences and ascribed social positions don’t cause restrictions in an individuals abilities to dream big and achieve their goals, and how individuals can in fact use the survival skills these experiences have equipped them with to their advantage to get where they want to go.

About Briana Vojnovich:

My name is Briana Vojnovich. I am a third-year undergraduate student at the University of Victoria, in the Social Sciences Faculty. I am working towards completing a major in Sociology and a minor in Business. While in school, I work part-time at the Keg on Quadra St. and I am a member of the University of Victoria chapter of Young Women in Business. I was a Miss Nanaimo Ambassador from April 2007 to late-September, 2008, and because of this I have had thorough practice in public speaking through the Toast Masters program. I have a performance background as a dancer, singer, and actor, which also contributes to my comfort in front of large audiences.

2011 IdeaWave