
Power Wranglers: From desktop to datacenter

Josh Ryder

The Augustana campus within the University of Alberta has undertaken a program to systematically reduce the environmental impact of our IT infrastructure. From printers to desktops to our server environment we’ve metered, measured and found savings that surprised us. Through a few small tweaks and some major architecture changes we’ve seen a decrease in power consumption of over 151,000 kWh/year. In this talk I will outline how we set about monitoring and addressing power consumption, and lessons learned from the process.

About Josh Ryder:

Josh Ryder is the Manager of Technology and Learning Services at the Augustana Campus, within the University of Alberta. With a background in Computing Science (MSc. 2006), Josh has been interested in computers, networks, and data security for years. He’s recently discovered a passion for data center design, with a keen eye on power and cooling efficiency. Outside of work you’ll often find Josh frequenting the better coffee establishments where ever he travels, organizing wine summits, or laying down some hot laps on the go-kart track.

2011 IdeaWave