
Mobilizing the Crowd - Options for Business - Non-Profits and Governments

Paul Dombowsky

The ability for organizations to tap into the collective wisdom, passion and energy of their crowd will lead to success in an increasingly social environment. Models and examples that will be explored include Crowdsourcing product ideas, tapping the crowd to solve the problems in the community, and Crowdfunding projects for charities and non-profits.

A look at challenges and best practices will round out the presentation to arm participants with what they need to consider these tactics for their organization.

About Paul Dombowsky:

Paul Dombowsky has spent over 10 years in various marketing roles with technology companies as well as TELUS Communications. It is here he was bitten by the crowdsourcing bug and the potential that it offers organizations to confidently embrace change that has input from the crowd. Always entrepreneurial, Paul embarked on the development and launch of a crowdsourcing and crowdfunding web applications with his new start-up, Ideavibes, which has been developed as a social enterprise.

Paul’s hope is that Ideavibes can be not only be a successful web app company, but also act as an agent of change to help non-profits and charities, as well as our communities, be more effective at helping make the changes they need to succeed in their own right.

2011 IdeaWave