
What’s Gone Well Today: New tools for engagement

Christopher Bowers

Subtext on the title: The Power of Curiosity and Personal Story

Lives and experiences are being transformed by powerful questions. These can be used for personal reflection, or connection with others. It’s all based on the belief that everyone has a story worth knowing and sharing.. We’ll look how to craft the questions that bring out the ‘golden stories.’ This is a highly engaging presentation with immediate implications and applications for personal and business life. We will look at some of the 18 ways that asking a good question can help in whatever setting you find yourself in.

About Christopher Bowers:

After a career teaching in public schools, Christoher Bowers is now Executive Director of Community School Interviews, a local charity, and creator of He’s been called the Story Catcher of Victoria. He works with education, business and community organizations to understand the power of great questions and the resulting personal story. His program is designed to give students, and the public, a better understanding of how the wider world works.

Christopher also coordinates Green Drinks Victoria, a network that supports sustainable business and community development. In addition to the monthly Green Drinks at The Oswego Hotel, he moderates the Green Drink Network of Possibilities a social network that allows GD to become a 24/7 resource for the community.

2010 IdeaWave