
The Suck That Is Productivity

Mike Vardy

There’s no question that as the web emerged so did the genre sites for productivity systems. From David Allen to Stephen Covey to Tony Robbins, there are countless systems one can adopt. That said, very few people stick with one; the human nature of the “achiever” instills an innate need to learn and discover the latest new thing to learn and master. But the latest isn’t always the greatest, especially when it comes to being productive. In fact, it usually results in plain old lateness.

The focus on productivity has become a suck unto itself; everyone trying to get better and being more productive fall into two categories those doing and those trying to do. Through the use of imagery, satire and pointing to specific examples via my own “faux methodology” known as Eventualism, I’ll show everyone why productivity, in fact, is a suck.

About Mike Vardy:

Mike Vardy is a writer, speaker and productivity pundit from Victoria, BC. His work has appeared on several blogs including GTD Times, WorkAwesome (where he is also editor) and Life As A Human. He has several years of stage experience and has created works for CBC Radio and the print media as well.

Mike Vardy is the writer, speaker, and “productivityist” behind and the productivity parody site Eventualism. Vardy’s candid satire has made him a desirable speaker on an often dry topic, delivering talks on the topic such as “Hacking Lifehacks” at TEDx Juan De Fuca and presenting keynote talks at events in Vancouver and Victoria. Currently a Managing Editor at Stepcase Lifehack, Vardy has contributed to many popular productivity websites and publications, including David Allen’s GTD Times and Productive Magazine and has appeared in local publications (YAM Magazine, Black Press) and nationally in The Globe and Mail. He lives with his wife, daughter and son in Victoria, BC, Canada.

He has an amazing wife and two equally amazing children.

2010 IdeaWave