
Community Forests in Zambia

Garry Brooks

African Community Project (ACP) is the concept of Garry Brooks a retired Canadian. Having gone to Zambia with Voluntary Services Overseas in 2002 as a Community Developer and has continued ever since as a self funded consultant to communities and Traditional Leaders. Since than his idea of community forests has grown to the point of making sense to all involved. The project brings together his knowledge and the communities wanting to become environmentally sustainable. ACP will help any communities that ask for our help. Be it providing clean drinking water, supply education supplies to community schools or basic health needs. In turn we ask the community to consider their environment around them and start improving it. This means planting trees, addressing environmental issues like erosion and learning more about global warming and climate change and how they can be part of a bigger picture by doing their share. We are not a charity but we will help by showing communities ways of becoming environmentally sustainable.

About Garry Brooks:

I was born on Vancouver Island in Coombs (yes where the goats are on the roof, but across the road). Most of my life has been spent in Sooke where I graduated from high school and raised a family. I commercially fished and owned and operated my own forestry company which included sawing added value products. In 2002 I retired and relocated to Victoria.

In 2002 I volunteered with VSO (Volunteer Service Overseas) for 13 months as a Community Developer in Zambia. Since than I have been spending at least six months of the year there working at village level, concentrating on reforestation, environmental concerns, clean water and community schools. And in Mozambique as a Community Developer for the Kapasseni Project from Victoria.

2004/07 my day job was a Consultant for the EU designing and building solar powered dry kilns for the carvers and craft people of Zambia.

In 2008 I received the International Achievement Award from the Canadian Institute of Forestry for my work in Zambia.

2010 Still working on projects in Zambia and Mozambique. Will be going back in March to start the year.

2010 IdeaWave