Foreign aid with intrinsic value rarely gets to people who need it most. Aid
with extrinsic value; value created by interacting with creative humans is
hard to misappropriate.
Greg Mortenson is building schools in Central Asia, bringing education to
areas of the world past by modernity. He does it apolitically, with cultural
sensitivity, and most importantly, he is helping to educate girls. The problem
is, he is fighting the long defeat. In Pakistan alone, the need for new
schools every year is five times greater than all the schools Greg has built
in ten years. There is an obvious solution: crowd-source school construction?
We can provide tool libraries to communities using shipping containers. On the
Pacific Rim, there are over three million unused shipping containers; it’s
cheaper for companies to leave them in the country of landing than send them
back empty or partially filled. I want to take these containers, fill them
with the highest quality hand tools, and make them available to motivated
people. I want a program run by women. I want the tools to be run as lending
libraries. I want people to build their own future.
Frank Heidt is the Chief Executive Officer for Leviathan Security Group Inc.
He Leads Leviathan’s executive management team. As the creator of Leviathan’s
innovative business structure, he was responsible for designing Leviathan and
bringing together security professionals with diverse backgrounds from premier
consultancies, industries and government agencies.
Mr. Heidt is a recognized expert in the field of information warfare, network
security, and systems penetration. Prior to forming Leviathan Mr. Heidt was a
Managing Security Architect for @stake, heading up their Pacific Northwest
practice. His previous experience found him engaged in various computer
security related work for the Department of Defense.
Frank has been a Visiting Lecturer at the United States Army War College,
United States Navy War College and the Naval Post Graduate School Monterey, on
the subject of defensive information warfare, military computer system
security, and the catch-all topic MOOTW (Military Operations Other Than War)
Frank Heidt is working with National Geographic cinematographer and award
winning photographer William Thompson to edit his talk with added footage that
shows progress on this Idea. It will be ready for next year’s IdeaWave where
Frank will present another idea: this one to impede global warming by
guerrilla tree planting.