
The first IdeaWave social

Posted on Feb 13th, 2012 by cqwww

Thanks to our good friends at Temple Events and Catering, as well as Lighthouse Brewing Company, this year we’ll host the first IdeaWave social. Join us on Saturday February 25th, 2012 from 6:00-9:30pm for a social mixer. You will require your IdeaWave name badge to enter. Another chance to engage with other attendees and speakers in a social environment!

Temple Events and Catering Lighthouse brewing

Posted in Announcement, IdeaWave2012, Sponsor | Tagged @lighthousebeer, @templevents, Announcement, Catering, Events, IdeaWave2012, Lighthouse, Sponsor, Temple, and, beer, brewing, community, fun, mixer, party, social